BRPC provides services of nucleic acid (DNA/RNA) extraction from frozen or FFPE tissues.

BRPC will consult with the scientist for their special interests, and will use tissue scrolls, macrodissection, pinpoint punching or Laser microdissection to collect tissues for the DNA/RNA extraction. We can also run DNA and RNA extractions simultaneously or separately per scientist`s request.

BRPC will use Qiagen AllPrep DNA/RNA kit, AllPrep FFPE DNA kit, AllPrep FFPE DNA/RNA kit and RNeasy kit for manually extracting nucleic acid, or use Maxwell RSC DNA/RNA kit (Promega) for automatic nucleic acid extraction.

BRPC will use Nanodrop to determine the concentrations of DNA and RNA samples, we also has Agilent Bioanalyzer that can be used for quality check (RIN and smear analysis) of the DNA/RNA samples.

For information about nucleic acid extraction services, please email us at